Anson Engine Museum

Anson Engine Museum Gallery

Most viewed - Our volunteers at work up to 2010
Tony finishes restoring the Gardner O type2086 viewsafter restoring the Gardner and fitting all the pipework the engine is now ready to be run during the season
Engine beds are given a coat of paint2085 viewsWorking Weekend 23/24 March 2007

Over 35 people turned up to help give the museum a spring clean and a fresh coat of paint ready for the Easter opening of the season
Steam cleaner being repaired2078 viewsWorking Weekend 23/24 March 2007

Over 35 people turned up to help give the museum a spring clean and a fresh coat of paint ready for the Easter opening of the season

Posts for perimiter fence being painted2077 viewsWorking Weekend 23/24 March 2007

Over 35 people turned up to help give the museum a spring clean and a fresh coat of paint ready for the Easter opening of the season
Martin preparing items in the workshop demonstration area2076 views
Squelch2071 views
Pancake Tuesday in the workshop2065 views
moving the generator2056 viewsinto the revamped area that should give more soundproofing
Which way is up for the flagpole gang2040 views
Front of museum gets a fresh coat of paint2039 viewsWorking Weekend 23/24 March 2007

Over 35 people turned up to help give the museum a spring clean and a fresh coat of paint ready for the Easter opening of the season
moving engines and getting ready for opening2021 viewsduring the Volunteers Working Weekend
Hedge hopping2016 viewsa cheer went up as the pilot released the smoke from the plane
73 files on 7 page(s) 4