Anson Engine Museum

Anson Engine Museum Gallery

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Capturing the blowlamp being lit2907 viewsthe museum will be on the 2006 version of the series "What's On" to be screened in August
Crank shaft shows some numbers but no serial number2893 viewsRuston VXA
Looking down the exhibition area towards Mirrlees No 12889 viewsFirst diesel engine ever built in the UK (in Glasgow) 1897. Also the 3rd ever to have been built in the world.
Tony helps the crane take the strain2889 viewsHornsby oil engine November 2010
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Display case being assembled2888 viewsmany additional items were loaned to the museum to display during the exhibition including photographs and trinkets from the Gardner family
All 4 cylinders and heads fitted2888 viewsRuston VXA
pictures in the cafe being discussed2885 viewsthese sketches were done by Rod Ellis, our resident blacksmith
Perkins display stand2879 views
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Starting the engine2875 viewsGeoff in the process of starting the engine
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Display cabinets outside Gardner room2872 viewsmany additional items were loaned to the museum to display during the exhibition including photographs and trinkets from the Gardner family
Outside watching the Mirrlees running2870 viewsSouth Manchester MG Owners Club members watching the engines being run at the end of the Cheshire Romp, 13 July 2008
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