Anson Engine Museum

Anson Engine Museum Gallery

Top rated - Rattling Monsters Exhibition
Patterns used to make the replica2791 viewsThe magnificent replica has been lovingly built by Wayne Timms and Dave Allen (members of the Friends of the Anson Engine Museum). It is of engine number 361 that was originally built in 1871. These are the patterns they used while making it.
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Geoff working on the large engine2999 viewsThis is an example of the largest size built of the Crossley Brothers Atmospheric-Free Piston engine; it is rated at 3 horsepower 11111
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Crossley plate on the 3bhp2986 viewsLarge engine displaying the Crossley plate - which was used in our 2006 brochure for the museum11111
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Relief now its all done3684 viewsNow that the Exhibition preparations are finished the relief shows on the face of a volunteer while they chat to visitors11111
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View of the display area2682 viewsThere is an area of display materials and interpretive boards to help the visitor understand about the engines and the manufacturers00000
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